It is important to optimize and resize your images before adding them to your website. This will ensure your website load time is fast, creating a user-friendly experience for all visitors to your web page.

Step 1: Go to and download and install the most recent Image Viewer

Step 2: Open Faststone
On the left hand side, select the folder where the photos you want to optimise are stored.

Step 3: Select all photos you want to optimise on the right hand side
Step 4: Click Tools in the top navigation panel (circled in red) and select ‘Batch Convert Selected Images’
Step 5: Select settings and set Quality bar to 80
Step 6: Select Browse – pick folder where you want your optimised photos to be saved
Step 7: Click Advanced Options

Step 8: Tick Resize in left corner
- Change Width and Height to 1920x1080 (landscape) 1080x1920 (portrait)
- Make sure Switch Width and Height to math long sides, Preserve Aspect Ratio and Smart Cropping are ticked.
Click OK

Step 9: Select Convert!

The optimized photos will be in the folder you selected above.
Go into the CMS file manager, and upload the files into it.