Users can set up minimum night stays with the freedom to select specific days of the week for the policy to apply to.  

Watch our 1 minute introductory video on Minimum Stays:

1. Set up Minimum Stays (stock unit level)

Step 1

You will need to go to ResBook > Settings > Stock Configurations > Minimum Stays

Set the duration your minimum stay policy will apply on.

Tick all days of the week if your policy is standard or tick the days to only apply on specific days of the week.

Step 2

Choose the mode:

Allow Request: If your ResBook is on Instant-Confirmation, 'Allow Request' will convert any bookings that do not adhere to your policy to booking requests. Guests will see this message:

Required: 'Required' will prevent guests from placing bookings when they do not meet your minimum stay policy.

Step 3

Enter the minimum number of nights. This setting applies if you have set the min. stay to 'Required'. If a customer selects a date prior to the minimum night stay policy, you may receive the booking as a request by switching it to ‘Yes’.

Click [SAVE MINIMUM STAYS] to save your new policy.

If you save the policy and realized you made a mistake, adjust the settings before clicking [SAVE MINIMUM STAYS], or simply tick the check box on the left and click [DELETE SELECTED] to start over.

2. Applying System-Wide Minimum Stays

System-wide minimum stay policies are applied across all rooms/properties in ResBook.

Creating a system-wide policy is nearly the same as creating a room-level policy. The only difference is the 'override' selection. Simply click the Edit system-wide stays link on the Minimum Stays page and follow the instructions as above to create the policy.

If you have room-level policies but you wish to apply the system-wide policy to all rooms, tick 'Override', otherwise leave this un-ticked.