The Customer Relationship Management Interface (CRM) has an advanced search function to filter your search results further and get you to a particular contact.

To find a contact using the advanced search function follow the steps outlined below:

 Step 1: Use the navigation menu across the top of the ResBook site and select [Contacts].
Step 2: Select [Advanced Search].
Step 3: Select the Contact Type in the 
drop-down list.
Step 4: Select filter in the drop-down list.

Name: First name, Last name, or First and Last name
E-mail: Full email address
Contact numbers: Home, mobile, office and fax numbers
Company name: Company name supplied to the contact
Address: Address line 1, Address line 2, Town, Region, State and Postcode
Country: Drop-down list provided

Step 5: Add in the search term and click [GO].

Finally, ResBook will search your database to return the best results in the contacts column.

Please note:

  • Advanced search requires filter and search term to be filled in before performing the search.
  • The text is space-sensitive. E.g. If phone numbers or names have been searched with spaces that are not saved in the CRM as such, then search results will return no results.